Friday, 3 July 2015

Nigel's Ten Top Tips for Happy Cycling or how to make people like you.

1. Be aware of other people: pedestrians, children, dogs, even motorists - even other cyclists.
and then - BE NICE TO THEM ALL.

2. Say, "Thank you" and smile at anyone who lets you out or past - even a motorist.

3. Don't ride 2, 3 or even 4 abreast. It really gets ups people's noses. IT'S SELFISH!

4. Be prepared (and able) to stop at any time - for an elderly lady, a harassed young mum with a double buggy or even a pot hole.

5. Use shoulder checks. If necessary STOP and LOOK. (you're not in a race)

6. Use hand and arm signals - left, right, slowing down. There are only 3.

7. Stop at RED LIGHTS. It's the LAW and it's nice to have a rest sometimes.

8.Notice things - flowers, plants, birds, clouds, houses, people.

9. "Let on" to other people. This means - smile, nod your head, say "Hiya" anything. (You might have to take your ear buds out, of course - but come on, join the human race and stop looking so damned stern and miserable)

10. Use your bell. It's fun, stops people having a heart attack and warns people, dogs and Canada geese that you're coming.

WEARING A HELMET does not make you a racer on the Tour de France. Would you cycle like that if you weren't wearing a helmet?

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