Friday, 3 July 2015

Nigel's Ten Top Tips for Happy Cycling or how to make people like you.

1. Be aware of other people: pedestrians, children, dogs, even motorists - even other cyclists.
and then - BE NICE TO THEM ALL.

2. Say, "Thank you" and smile at anyone who lets you out or past - even a motorist.

3. Don't ride 2, 3 or even 4 abreast. It really gets ups people's noses. IT'S SELFISH!

4. Be prepared (and able) to stop at any time - for an elderly lady, a harassed young mum with a double buggy or even a pot hole.

5. Use shoulder checks. If necessary STOP and LOOK. (you're not in a race)

6. Use hand and arm signals - left, right, slowing down. There are only 3.

7. Stop at RED LIGHTS. It's the LAW and it's nice to have a rest sometimes.

8.Notice things - flowers, plants, birds, clouds, houses, people.

9. "Let on" to other people. This means - smile, nod your head, say "Hiya" anything. (You might have to take your ear buds out, of course - but come on, join the human race and stop looking so damned stern and miserable)

10. Use your bell. It's fun, stops people having a heart attack and warns people, dogs and Canada geese that you're coming.

WEARING A HELMET does not make you a racer on the Tour de France. Would you cycle like that if you weren't wearing a helmet?

Thursday, 8 January 2015


Piccadilly village. Yes, that lovely little quarter at the start of the Ashton Canal, just at the back of Piccadilly station.

The bridges there are made of little wooden ridges. On any cold damp day - the bridges are truly lethal for cyclists. Someone will end up in the canal before winter's out. We nearly did!

Four weeks later, still got dodgy knee and shoulder from a crash there.

And apparently no-one is responsible for this area. Canal and River Trust say nope. Managers of Village - nope. It's a grey area.

Please be very careful.

And, furthermore, on any frosty day, be very cautious in the village - between the bridge and the main road - the York flagstones are absolutely lethal. Once again - no-one will take responsibility for gritting, warnings - anything. So take extra care.

Last time I was there pedestrians were clinging to the wall from posh apartments to Piccadilly. Not exactly a Breughel scene!

Be careful!