Friday 3 July 2015

Nigel's Ten Top Tips for Happy Cycling or how to make people like you.

1. Be aware of other people: pedestrians, children, dogs, even motorists - even other cyclists.
and then - BE NICE TO THEM ALL.

2. Say, "Thank you" and smile at anyone who lets you out or past - even a motorist.

3. Don't ride 2, 3 or even 4 abreast. It really gets ups people's noses. IT'S SELFISH!

4. Be prepared (and able) to stop at any time - for an elderly lady, a harassed young mum with a double buggy or even a pot hole.

5. Use shoulder checks. If necessary STOP and LOOK. (you're not in a race)

6. Use hand and arm signals - left, right, slowing down. There are only 3.

7. Stop at RED LIGHTS. It's the LAW and it's nice to have a rest sometimes.

8.Notice things - flowers, plants, birds, clouds, houses, people.

9. "Let on" to other people. This means - smile, nod your head, say "Hiya" anything. (You might have to take your ear buds out, of course - but come on, join the human race and stop looking so damned stern and miserable)

10. Use your bell. It's fun, stops people having a heart attack and warns people, dogs and Canada geese that you're coming.

WEARING A HELMET does not make you a racer on the Tour de France. Would you cycle like that if you weren't wearing a helmet?

Thursday 8 January 2015


Piccadilly village. Yes, that lovely little quarter at the start of the Ashton Canal, just at the back of Piccadilly station.

The bridges there are made of little wooden ridges. On any cold damp day - the bridges are truly lethal for cyclists. Someone will end up in the canal before winter's out. We nearly did!

Four weeks later, still got dodgy knee and shoulder from a crash there.

And apparently no-one is responsible for this area. Canal and River Trust say nope. Managers of Village - nope. It's a grey area.

Please be very careful.

And, furthermore, on any frosty day, be very cautious in the village - between the bridge and the main road - the York flagstones are absolutely lethal. Once again - no-one will take responsibility for gritting, warnings - anything. So take extra care.

Last time I was there pedestrians were clinging to the wall from posh apartments to Piccadilly. Not exactly a Breughel scene!

Be careful!

Wednesday 17 December 2014

The Big One

Saturday 13th December 2014

Cleggy and Compo back together again. It's frosty, icy and damned cold. Thank you Tesco for thermal underwear (so fashionable as well under cycling shorts)

Cars slithering around on sideroads, pedestrians delicately picking their way along the white pavements, the two of us set out just after 9 in the morning from Cheadle Heath. Started up BirdHall Lane on the cycle pavement. All fine. Then cut up Tenement Lane, nothing much untoward. It's a fine day - no snow or rain.

Crossed over Bramhall Lane and onto Broadway. Right to the end. Looks like a dead end but there's a secret gate that takes you through to Fred Perry Way (the mysterious Fred Perry Way) Turned left and went on for half a mile or so then cut right across Mirlees Fields. The frost actually made it easier to cycle across the long grass, making it firmer. Turned right onto the main path and along to the yellow gate. Cut left up towards Stepping Hill Hospital and, briefly, onto Barlow's Moor Lane and Bramhall Moor Lane to the lights at Sainsbury's. Crossed over and right along the cycleway till we came to Commercial Road. Left and past the closed Royal Oak then left onto Bean Leach Road. Road surface pretty OK. Past Glen Jakes stables and up to Marple Road.

Here at the crossroads, four or five cars. One not signalling. In two minds I turn slightly to pass the car and discover that under the tyres is black ice. Crash bang wallop - I land on left shoulder, crunching left knee. Nothing too serious. Be careful, I keep telling myself. Cleggy behind is fine, having escaped my tumble.

Big thanks to the young man, passenger in the car, who wound down his window and asked if I needed a lift anywhere.

Found it utterly impossible to cycle here, so tottered across the road and past the petrol station and up the hill, still on foot, till the entrance to Bongs Road on the left. Offerton Green first then Bongs. It's really steep here, but strangely, no ice! The Goyt Valley stretches below blanketed in mist, looking like a Christmas postcard. Past one farm then onto the main road left, the A627, past the garden centre on the right and then left after the bridge back onto country lanes. Phew. All good and we picked up a bit more pace.. Left onto Mill Lane and off through woods and fields all the way to the Pear Mill in Stockport. The huge white pear, shrouded in mist, looks like it's suspended in mid-air.

Left past Bredbury Hall and then down to Stockport, we bob across the roundabout and head right into Reddish Vale Park. Green non-slip surface on the hill up, so no problems.

Through the Vale and up towards Reddish under the railway tunnel along Mill Lane. Follow signs to Manchester Cycleway (Fallowfield Loop) Turn right onto the cycleway and go all the way up to nearly the end near Wright Robby. Here we drop down to follow signs for Sports City and the Etihad and cycle along the old Gorton-Stockport railway line now another cycleway. No frost or ice and the day is getting better all the time.

Finally hit the Ashton Canal (not literally of course) and turn left.

The Etihad Stadium now clearly in sight and the Hilton in the distance.

Everything goes very smoothly all the way to the bridge entrance to Piccadilly Village. Two workmen in high vis clothes shout a warning. Too late. The ridges on the wooden bridge are lethal. Crash bang wallop. Two cyclists sprawled on the ground. Bikes unharmed. Right knee and shoulder this time. This crash so bad that it takes a few minutes to recover. Cleggy is already bruised on leg!

"Chap near went in 't canal last week. No grip on that wet wood." One workman remarks. He's right. It's lethal. No grit, sand or warning.

Back on bikes for at least 50 yards till we realise that the York flags are utterly impossible to negotiate on a bike, let alone on foot. Pedestrians are slipping all over the place. Walking the bikes isn't easy as they keep slithering away towards the canal. Finally we make it to Piccadilly station.

With much relief we remount and cross the road to drop onto the end section of the Rochdale Canal which takes us to Castlefield, but, for the first time ever, I decide that it's too dangerous. There is no grip whatsoever on the flagstones. The usually lovely ride to Dukes 92 is cancelled.

We take the main roads through Manchester and cut across down to Castlefield and St George's. Down to the right and past Bennett's scrapyard and onto the Manchester Ship Canal. Here the path seems safer. We head West towards Sam's Place, red brick bar on the Ship Canal, near Old Trafford.

Here we head up Alex Ferguson Way and right along the main road then left towards the car parks for the football ground. Bruised and aching we keep going (easier than stopping)

Within ten  minutes we have found the blue fencing and followed the signs to the Bridgewater canal with its brand new friendly surface. We head for Altrincham. This is more like it.

Between Stretford and Sale we stop at the Boddington pub (The Bridge) for a gorgeous cheese and bacon burger. (Highly recommended) and a small alcoholic beverage.

Refreshed we head along to Altrincham.

Turn off at the spray paint place and through, heading for Navigation Ind. Est. Cross the bridge left and left again onto Wellington Road and all the way through to Timperley Golf course. Here we turn left and head along the cycle path all the way to Brooklands roundabout, then it's on to Brooks Drive, recently resurfaced and de-cluttered. This is wonderful. Making good time and feeling secure.

Because of road closure till March we have to duck and dive along country lanes to get to the other Brooks Drive which then leads us up to Airport Orbital. We turn left and head for Wythenshawe. A lonely metro tram chunkers along.

Down Shadow Moss Road/Lane and right past Ferranti's (finally being knocked down). We head down Simonsway till we come to the lights then bob left and first right onto Brown Lane. This takes us to St Ann's Road. Left here and then right through a gate to the Industrial Park then it's downhill all the way home. Across to School's Hill and left into Cheadle and right to home.

The trek has taken about 5 and a half hours but we had a cheeseburger as well. Two crashes and no bones broken.

The old team is back together again!! Yay

Saturday 17 May 2014

May 2014

Warmer in Stockport than Corfu today!! Went through Reddish Vale, onto Manchester Cycleway ( speed limit for the lycra-clad lantern jawed, behelmeted racers please) up to Wright Robby and guess what? They've extended the cycle path. YAY !! You can now go all the way to Fairfield on tarmac, cross over Audenshaw Road up 50 yards on Kershaw Lane and you're at the ASHTON CANAL. Brilliant. Thank you!!
Turn right for Ashton and left for Manchester.
So chuffed!!

Tuesday 3 December 2013

Gears no longer functioning properly. Grr! Struggling along in 5th thinking am in 4th etc. Called in to Woodson's Raleigh shop in Edgeley. Chain gauge pronounces everything is worn out. More or less. Hardly surprising. Me and Betty have done upwards of 3,000 miles this year, along towpaths, canalways, muddy tracks and side roads, oh and a few pavements.

It was like leaving a cat with the vet. Left her there, all worn and torn. Picked her up later that day. She has shiny cogs and a new derailleur and her chain is all sparkly and clean and metallic looking. Cycled her to the car. It was like having a new bike.

Right, Bets, let's go again! Onward and upward!

Thursday 28 November 2013

November 2013. Back in the saddle...

Been quiet for too long.
Diary of rides now topping 270 for the year and still December to go.
Gears misbehaving on Betty. Must sort.
Been out every day for months now. I have been sorting out a few new routes round Stockport. There's a great stretch along the M60 leading to Heaton Moor Bowl (bit like Super Bowl but a bit smaller - chuckle)
Have also come upon more chunks of the weirdly disconnected Fred Perry Way. I do wonder if it's possible to follow the Way of the Perry all the way round Stockport? I have the maps. They just don't make any sense to me. Cartalexia? Possibly. I do love the way the blue signs suddenly appear in the middle of estates. It must have been great fun putting them all up. Where does it begin? Is there a start point on a circle? Please advise, clever people.

Bike and Car

Time was 8.22 this morning. Witnessed a horrible incident/ accident. Car, young lady driver with glasses. Black car. Pulls out from Stockholm Road, turning right onto Adswood Road, clearly not paying attention. Coming up Adswood Road heading for Shaw Heath, i.e., from driver's right, young woman, long red hair, cream coat, white mountain bike, on main road.

Car pulls out straight into her path. No chance of avoiding it. Bike crunches into front and right side of car. Red hair flying all over the place. Bike and rider on the ground.

I was driving towards Stockholm Rd from Beech Rd. Stopped car. All flashers on. About to get out, mobile at the ready to phone ambulance. Rider gets up, clearly shaken. Not shouting. Shocked. Picks up bike and wheels it off, muttering to herself and glaring at the driver. Driver hasn't even got out of car. Drives off.

Memory. Dad teaching me to drive a car in 1967. "Treat every other driver as a B.F., son. (Bloody Fool) Expect them to do the stupidest thing and one day they will." Good advice.